Monday, October 23, 2006

Poker Perspectives

It was hot. Damn hot. Two hours he’d been going - and his brain was frazzled. The five minute break was a godsend. He shot upstairs, splashed water on his face, ran downstairs and opened up another bottle of Bud. He held the cold bottle against his forehead, and then took a few deep gulps. He felt the cold liquid hit the back of his throat, and his nerves were calmed.
He sat down again – the lights were off, and the only light in the room was the glow of his laptop. The time was counting down, and he braced himself.
There were eleven left, and only the top ten got paid.
He looked at his cards. Three Nine.
“Shit” He folded. Maybe too quickly. He needed the cash, needed the final table.
Ace Four – early position. Another fold.
The blinds were coming round – and he didn’t have enough chips – he had to push.
It was getting desperate.
Ace Ace.
Fantastic. His throat was dry. “How do I play it??”
His mind was made up for him. The first player to act goes all in – he was second to act – a no brainer.
He goes all in too.
The other player turns over Two Seven off-suit. Got him.
Flop – Two Six King.
Turn – Queen.
River - Seven.

He hangs his head. What happened?? Did he really get beat by Two Seven off. He sits there, staring into space. He hates this game. He really hates this game. He slopes upstairs to bed.

- An extract from “The Diary of a Non Punters Lounger” – after playing in the Sporting Odds $1 challenge

Got Two Seven off. Had to play it. Got lucky. "Result!!!!!"

- An extract from “The Diary of a Punters Lounger” – after playing in the Sporting Odds $1 Challenge


Mike said...

lolololol - no further comment - Mike

Mr V. said...
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