Sunday, October 15, 2006

The Players - Episode Three : Penelopeys

Your best moment in Poker?
I have two: an online moment and a live moment. Online: When I won my first champions league tourney at SO, a trip to Vegas for 2. That was my biggest win at that point and huge to me! Live: When I played the Betfair Live Final in London, and kept surviving, ending 3rd having a gigantic PL crowd cheering me on... that was AMAZING... never experienced anything like it!!
Your worst moment in Poker?
Same tournament; Champions League the month after. I was HU in the last tourney and had a quite big lead. If I came 1st I was going to win my 2nd Vegas trip, but I froze completely and played like a fool. I had the winning hand at some point, and he had a good hand as well, but I was too scared to go all in and win the tourney. Instead of winning the whole tournament I came 5th and that really haunted me for some time.
What is your main goal in Poker?
My main goal in poker is to qualify for WSOP and get very far in the tourny aswell... mostly because I want to try and play against the big guys, and see how good they really are ;o)
A one line word of advice you’d give to a new player?
Never play for more than you can afford to lose.
Your favourite hand?? (If you want to reveal it!!)
45 of hearts, beautiful hand!! (once won me a giant cash pot!!!)
Favourite poker site?
Sporting Odds
You enter the Big Brother house – who would be your three ideal housemates??
Hmmmm, I am not much into celebrities. I really think I could have a great time with Paul Ross, PocketLady and Valiant. (give us some poker chips, a lot of drinks, a few decks of cards and we'll be just fine )
Which TV/Film actor would play you in a movie?
Hmmm, tough one... a cross between Lisa Simpson and Bart Simpson.
Paul Ross v Penelopeys – heads up. Who wins????
Now... that's a silly question, me of course, seriously... any of us, I know he would play like a maniac, and I am sure I somehow could use that as my advantage!
What is your pornstar name? (Name of first pet followed by mothers maiden name)
Worst record you have ever bought?
Erm... I don't have any horrible records.
You’ve just won the lottery. What’s the first thing you buy for yourself ??
I would gather a few girlfriends and treat us all to a day with spa, massage, facials and what comes with that.

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