Monday, May 14, 2007

PL Blog Freeroll Seat 9

To qualify for the 9th seat will test your usage of the Punters Lounge.

At some stage in the next seven days (before noon on monday 21st May) I will put up a post on the Punters Lounge. It may be a new thread, or it might be a reply to another thread - and it could be on any section of the Punters lounge - not just the poker section.

In this particular thread I will use the word


The first PL'er to reply with the words

"I claim seat nine in the PL Blog Freeroll"

will win the seat.

1 comment:

voiceofjoe said...

This 'Hairy' fetish seems to be spreading from your other blog !!
There are professional people out there that can help, you know ....