Friday, January 12, 2007

PL Poker - The History (1960-1970)

The swinging sixties saw a renaissance period for the Punters Lounge.
The club relocated to the Kings Road, and various celebrities were seen on regular occasions going in and out. Poker became cool again, and it was played amidst the sixties culture of flower power and free love.
Although it is common knowledge that Elvis Presley never visited the UK, this is not strictly true - as only the people in the upper echelons know only too well. In 1963 Presley did a private gig in the Lounge, and apparently proved to be "one mean poker player".

One famous night in the sixties there was "the game that spawned a song".
The table consisted of George Best, the British spy Anthony Blunt, Heniek, Kevsul, Twiggy, Terence Stamp, RedFear, Paul McCartney and John Lennon. There was one huge pot - where Anthony Blunt tried to bluff the pot from Heniek with 4 and 6 of diamonds - unfortunately for him Heniek was holding KK - and took it down.
Lennon said to McCartney - "Loose play by the spy with Diamonds*" - to which McCartney replied "That sounds like a good title for a song".

The rest of the 60's were a boomtime for the PL, but unfortunately the 70's were not to be so good.

To be continued...

*The official lyrics were later changed to "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" after a complaint by Anthony Blunt - but if you listen to the song it will confirm the original lyrics.


voiceofjoe said...

John Lennon must be turning in his grave..

voiceofjoe said...

What happened to seats 8,9,10 in the freeroll ??